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What would you do if you knew the truth of creation and it wasn’t what you expected it to be? 

Marvel’s Eternals is out in theaters and as fans and curious movie goes fill theater seats, this very question is answered. 

A dynamic cast comprised of family names and some very new, ushers in a new look into the Marvel Universe and the concept of life itself. 

Having read Neil Gaiman and John Romota Jr.’s mini series before, I went into the film knowing the basics of the team and their possible presence in the MCU. 

Sersi, is a familiar character from the ‘90s Avengers and Avengers West Coast comics. I have to say, I prefer the film adaptation of the character more than the comic. Gemma Chan gives the character new life and true to Marvel style, heart and soul. Having only read the Neil Gaiman series, Sersi’s character wasn’t one I gravitated towards. His telling of her character felt flat and never showed the presence the film adaptation did.

I know a lot of people were excited to hear that Kit Harington found a place in the Marvel Universe. I’m not one of those people. This may be a hot take, but I’m actually glad the character he’s going to portray is one that I know little about or have a genuine interest in — the Black Knight. The concept is cool and he does open doors to potential mystical crossovers and such, but I just don’t gravitate to him. 

Who I do find very fascinating is Ikaris. I was very happy with Richard Madden’s performance. The seemingly invincible character had the right amount of mystery and brooding to keep fan interest. The “Superman” as jokingly-referenced in the movie, has the ability to steal the show, as he does in the comics. Not this time. Highly important to the film’s overall plot, he’s dynamic but not overpowering of Chan’s Sersi. 

Then, there are the omnipotent Celestials and the vast mystery of space. Wow! The film captures the wonder of the galaxy and leaves us truly wanting more, right now! It’s sparked urgent hype in me for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, for sure! 

With two epic post credit scenes (no spoilers here) the movie is what you’d expect from Marvel, absolutely fantastic. Doors are opened, new characters are introduced and the universe is proven to be much, much bigger than what’s seen on Earth.

I mostly loved, what many hated, and that is how the storyline was outside of the regular MCU. With small references to the characters and events we are all familiar with, Eternals paved a new path, showed new perspective and gave the world a taste of the adventure comic fans have loved since Jack Kirby’s original design in 1976.