My Name Is
Jason Gutierrez
My Story.
My Mission.

“With Great Power Also Comes Great Responsibility!”
Comic books, super heroes and nerdy fandom give me life! As a child they gave me a place to belong, taught me lessons of growth and made me hopeful for a better tomorrow. As an adult, they continue to keep on giving but in new ways. Comic books, super heroes and fandom are my life.
I went to college to be a journalist. As a graduate of California State University, Bakersfield, with a B.A. in Communications. I became a community news reporter, a specialty publications editor and manager and nationally published freelance music and entertainment journalist. I loved every minute of it.
I’ve built my career on creating, establishing and maintaining online brand that fans, followers and customers can relate to, gravitate toward and buy into, all with journalistic integrity and style. I’ve worked with the Bakersfield Museum of Art to bring comic artists like Todd Nauck & Tom Hodges for special community art workshops, worked with comic artists and writers, like Katie Cook, on website design and attend every comic con possible.
I am a self-employed, self-motivated and self NERDY NEXUS.