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Funko Photography

Funko Photography

Funko photography saved my sanity. There was a point in 2020 that I started to go a little stir crazy. There was no where to go and nothing to do while we all tried to make sense of the global pandemic and how to say healthy. Jon and I started to take walks mid day...
Funko Got Me In The NFT Game

Funko Got Me In The NFT Game

Funko has awakened a forgotten beast in me. Since August, Funko started releasing NFTs, “non-fungible token.” To explain it simply, as I easily grasp the concept myself, an NFT is a digital asset that links ownership to unique physical or digital items. In...
2016 Funko Fright Night

2016 Funko Fright Night

#FunkoFamily. This hashtag started a little over a year or so ago but the meaning has been in existence for quite some time.  This time of year I always think about Jon and I attending our first extra special Funko event, Funko Fright Night in 2016. We were...
The Joker Is Wild

The Joker Is Wild

What if the Joker actually killed Batman? Let that settle in. Ok, not “settle in” but give it some thought. What would that mean for Gotham and the Bat Family? Utter chaos!  Now take a deep breath because it (probably) won’t happen. I say probably because you...
The Nerdy Nexus

The Nerdy Nexus

It became evident, I was craving to write. Sure I do a little writing for work here and there but nothing that speaks to my passions and interests.  I’ve applied for a few freelance writing positions. Nothing has panned out. So, I thought, do what you’re good at...
Kevin Smith Made Me Smile

Kevin Smith Made Me Smile

Funko has brought a lot of new friends and memorable experiences into my life. Upon Funko’s HQ Grand Opening in 2018, which I attended with two of my good friends, Wes and Kelly Mosier, brought together because of our love of Funko, I got to meet Kevin Smith. My mind...