Superman is going to fall in love with a reporter. Only this time, it won’t be a female reporter. Epic! Last week, DC Comics announced, on National Coming Out Day, that Jonathan Kent, now Superman, will embark on a new adventure, a romantic relationship with a male reporter named, Jay Nakamura.
I was excited to read the headlines and the posts across social media. Jonathan Kent, written by Tom Taylor in “Superman: Son of Kal-El,” is taking one huge step for superhero kind. While a good handful of characters, especially in the DC universe have been written to show diversity, whether sexuality, disability or cultural influence, none have carried the weight and influence of a globally-recognizable name like Superman.
Scanning the comments on social postings, people were intrigued, supportive and a lot were down right hateful. Not unexpected.
To the haters out there of anything they fear and don’t understand, by choice, remember, Superman is bulletproof so your words definitely won’t get under his skin.
I applaud the direction DC is willing to take with Jonathan Kent. His ability to fight for humanity in the face of death and destruction is inspiring; I hope his ability to love openly, equally inspires and opens a few closed minds a long the way.
The reveal will appear in “Superman: Son of Kal-El” issue number 5 set to release on November 9.
I encourage you to pick up the book, read the story and be a part of history being written in our time.
I for one am intrigued by the idea that Jon Kent is now bisexual. I look at this as a another way to connect with my son with something that I love, I have been a fan of Superman for as long as I’ve been on this Earth.
As my son was growing up I always tried to connect with him with things that I enjoyed such as Superman but as it became apparently clear that he was a gay man, the character of Superman was not something that really connected with him.
And even though the boat may have already set sail on my son becoming a fan of the last son of krypton, perhaps there’s Hope for another generation or even my future grandchildren to one day say I want to be like Superman and look at Jon Kent as an inspiration.
And hopefully that next generation and any future grandchildren I may have can look at someone like me who is accepting of his son and who he was in his life and say wow you’re just like Superman as well because he accepted his son.
The world needs acceptance but not just of who people are or who they love or what they can do, the world needs acceptance from the individuals, except the fact that this is life it’s worth living it’s worth having it’s worth smiling about and if something is making someone happy then that’s all that matters.
This is going to be a really good story going forward.
This is so well said Ed, thank you for sharing! I think there is a little bit of Superman in all of us that believe in doing the right thing for the greater good. The part of us that is forever hopeful and courageous!