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It had to happen.

Throughout Spider-Man’s history, the quote “with great power, also comes, great responsibility,” has been a pivotal moment in Peter Parker’s life. It’s his mantra; his reason for being and becoming Spider-Man. 

So why haven’t we heard it in the new movies? Well, fans, timing is everything. I always thought it was odd that those words hadn’t been spoken. I chocked it up to, maybe Marvel is assuming everyone knows the back story and so they will just accept what they see on screen. 

Also, we don’t have an Uncle Ben in this storyline, who traditionally gave Peter this speech that molded the character upon Ben’s death. Ok, that makes sense, maybe May will meet Ben and we will get it later on down the line. Right?

Coincidentally, I just told a friend there are two pivotal points in characters life that cause dramatic change – significant loss or tragic death – sometimes they are one in the same. 

I was right and unfortunately, our new MCU Peter Parker had his delivered tragically in SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. 

I won’t get lost in the weeds with a recap of what happens in the movie, but it’s life chaining and sadly understandable. In order to get the Spider-Man we know in love from decades of reading comics, we had to lose a little bit of the extraordinary Peter Parker the Marvel Cinematic Universe first delivered to us six years ago in Captain America: Civil War. 

Life isn’t fair, but what does fair really mean for a character that is willing to sacrifice everything they are for the greater good?